Throughout our journey, we have learnt we cannot achieve our vision alone.  

As a community, we need each other to make a real difference in the lives of people who are experiencing mental health challenges. Therefore, we must work together to achieve the best outcome for everyone.  

We want to thank the individuals and organisations who have worked with us to create a better community, including: 

Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia (MIFA)

Consumers of Mental Health WA (COMHWA)

A&O Shearman

Australian Council on Smoking and Health (ACOSH)


Australian Red Cross

BPD Australia 

CBH Group

Centre for Accessibility Australia

Fiona Stanley Hospital


Happiness Co.

Independent Living Centre WA

Mental Health Commission of WA 

Pathways Southwest

Pharmacy 777

RISE Network

SANE Australia

St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals 

Uniting Care West

Western Australian Association for Mental Health 

Western Australia Primary Health Alliance (WAPHA) 

Partner with us!

Contact us today and we can talk with you about what we can achieve together.