Together we can support others.

No one should feel alone and isolated by the mental challenges they're experiencing.

Give today

Give a little or give a lot. It all makes a difference We have saved and improved many lives thanks to the contribution of donors.


Partner with us

To make a real and lasting difference we cannot do it alone. We have a rich history of partnering with individuals and organisations to optimise outcomes.

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Like many great organisations we do our best work because of volunteers. It's great for us, it's great for the people we work with, and it will be great for you!

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Make a Bequest

Sometimes, the change we want to see in the world takes more than one lifetime. You may be in a position to leave a bequest.

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Help us review our policies and procedures

We’re looking for reviewers with lived experience of mental mental health challenges. No prior experience required! Plus, get paid for your feedback!

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Become a Member Today!

Stand alongside us and help us influence social change.

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Read Real Stories

Read about the volunteers who have supported us throughout the years.

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Join a Committee

At times we put a callout inviting community members to participate on our committees or working groups. Your experience as a consumer, carer, family member, friend, colleague or other is valuable to us.

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