If you need urgent assistance or are concerned for your, or someone else’s safety, call Emergency Services 000.
For other situations, find the appropriate contact information below.
Mental Health Emergency Response Line (MHERL)
Metro: 1300 555 788
Peel: 1800 676 822
Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
*Clinicians at MHERL provide support for people experiencing a mental health emergency and if required, referral to a local mental health service.
For anyone involved in a mental health emergency in the community – including individuals, families/carers, members of the general public or health professionals. These might include individuals who feel that they need urgent assistance, families or carers of those with a diagnosis or members of the general public who witness a mental health crisis and need assistance.
Free call: 1800 552 002
(4.30pm – 8.30am Mon-Fri, and 24 hrs Sat, Sun and Public Holidays)
Rurallink is a specialist after hours mental health telephone service for people in rural communities of Western Australia.
Rurallink gives easy telephone access to experienced community mental health staff, with a focus on supporting people who are experiencing mental health challenges. It is a confidential service that meets the needs of the community and delivering continuous care and support where needed. The service provides a single point of contact providing information, advice, assessment, and where required, referrals to other mental health services.
Finding North
Accessible 24/7, Finding North is a website designed by people who understand what it’s like to experience mental health challenges. It will help you find your next step as well as provide hope and inspiration if you or someone you know are struggling.
Helplines for Support and Advice
Helplines can provide you with immediate access to support and advice that is confidential, free and anonymous. Sometimes making that first call may feel difficult, talking with others helps, and many have been before you. Reach out.
Lifeline: 13 11 14
24 hour confidential telephone crisis support service. Online chat is available.
Lifeline provides all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to online, phone and face-to-face crisis support and suicide prevention services. Many people call after advice or self-help information for friends and family. Others reach out for someone to listen to their concerns. Typically, callers in crisis find that painful changes or problems are increasing their distress and overwhelming their capacity to cope.
Beyondblue: 1300 224 636
24/7 helpline. Online chat available.
Give us a call any time of the day or night. All calls and chats are one-on-one with a trained mental health professional, and completely confidential. Although they may ask for your first name and some general details, you can let them know if you’d like to remain anonymous.
Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467
The Suicide Call Back Service is a 24 hour, nationwide service that provides free telephone, video and online counselling. Online chat is also available.
The professionally trained counselors have specialist skills in working with suicide-related issues and they can help you to work through the pain and distress you may be feeling.
The Samaritans Crisis Line: 13 52 37
24/7 Anonymous Crisis Support.
Round the clock, a safe place to call, be yourself.
MensLine Australia: 1300 789 978
Callers have access to 24-hour support, anywhere anytime. Online and video chat is also available.
MensLine Australia is a telephone and online counselling service for men with family and relationship concerns. We’re here to help anywhere, anytime.
QLife (LGBTI+): 1800 184 527
3pm to midnight every day. Online chat available.
QLife is Australia’s first nationally-oriented counselling and referral service for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and/or intersex (LGBTI).