Your mental health challenges shouldn't define you.

We will work with you to understand your situation, and stand by your side as you move forward and get on with your life.

Ongoing Individualised Support

If you are experiencing mental health challenges or have been diagnosed with a mental health condition, we are here for you. We understand that your priorities and needs are unique to you.

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From Hospital to Home

Returning home following a hospital stay that was due to mental health distress can be overwhelming, and we recognise having someone who offers support and information can make the transition home easier and less stressful.

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We love the NDIS! It gives us a chance to work with you in a way that's flexible and meaningful to you. We are so pleased about the changes we are seeing in people's lives as their NDIS plans unfold. Don't worry if it all feels a but overwhelming, talk to us about working through things at your pace. Give us a call, there is no obligation to choose us as a provider, we are keen to help and share our experience and help in whatever way we can.

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Support for young people

We offer short to medium term support for young people experiencing a first episode of psychosis or other mental health challenges.

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Social Support: Lorikeet Centre

A welcoming community centre in Leederville for people recovering from mental health challenges. We focus on participation, reducing isolation and building capacity with a supportive and encouraging environment created by your peers.

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Chat with Others

Connect with people who've been there too. Our moderated Forums are a supportive community where you can chat with others in similar situations. Join a discussion or start a new one today.

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Information & Resources

It can be helpful to have some information about what is happening to you, as well as resources about mental health, general wellbeing, and recovery.

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