4 Jul 2020
10:00am – 1:00 pm
Via Zoom (information about how to access will be provided to registered participants)
The Wellways Building a Future Program aims to increase the capacity of families, carers and friends to care effectively for themselves, other family members and their relative living with mental illness.
An educational program in an informal setting involving group discussions, DVDs, and practical demonstrations. The sessions are presented over 12 consecutive weeks.
Wellways participants have the opportunity to:
- Gain increased knowledge
- Gain new ideas and coping skills
- Gain increased confidence
- Share experiences and learn from others
- Develop ongoing support mechanisms.
Topics include:
- anxiety
- depression
- bi-polar disorder
- schizophrenia
- obsessive compulsive disorder
- schizoaffective disorder
- dual diagnosis disorders
- mental health and carer services.
For more details and to secure a place in this program, please contact the Mental Illness Fellowship WA on 9237 8900 or email caroline.wood@mifwa.org.au. The priority for this program is carers living south of Perth.