Meditation and vibration calm our bodies stress response by bring us back in to this present moment so we can begin to breath fully. I have a vast knowledge of Sound Baths and the many benefits to our nervous systems.
You will need to bring comfy blankets and pillow as its preferred you lie down during the sound meditation. This is your special time, a time to nurture yourself.
There will be chairs available for those that prefer to sit.
Aim: The sound bath will begin with a guided meditation to ground you then I will use my crystal bowls and gently lift off any stress or anxiety, leaving you relaxed revitalised.
Tea/coffee and light refreshments provided.
Date: 3rd Thursday of each Month
Time: 5.30 to 7.00pm
Venue: Midland Professional Centre Level 3/9 The Avenue Midland
RSVP: Bookings essential, call Caroline on 9237 8900 or 0408 202 705 or email