The following information is designed to help you understand your right to make a complaint or appeal and how to lodge one as per MIFWA’s own policy and the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles.

Fill the online Compliments, Appeals, Complaints & Suggestions form

Download the Compliments, Appeals, Complaints and Suggestions form

For NDIS participants, go to the NDIS section

What is a complaint?

A complaint is when a problem is happening, and someone says that they are unhappy. Complaints are important for an organisation to know what it is doing well and what it is doing badly. Anyone can make a complaint including family members and support workers.

What is an appeal?

An appeal is when you ask someone higher up in an organisation to look at a decision again and change it.

For example, if you think a decision that a MIFWA staff member makes is unfair, you can ask their boss or another manager or the CEO to look at it again and change it. An appeal can be made about any decision, not just the outcome of a complaint.

Our promise

We will make sure that:

  • what you say is being kept a secret
  • we listen to all complaints and treat them all fairly
  • we handle complaints and appeals quickly
  • you are given help if you need it when making a complaint or an appeal
  • you are given help if you need it after making a complaint or an appeal complaints are fixed if they can be
  • you feel safe to ask questions about the complaint or appeal
  • you feel safe to make a complaint or an appeal and are not made to feel upset by others
Your rights when making a complaint or appealing a decision

You have the right for your complaint to be treated equally to all other complaints no matter:

  • who you are
  • where you live
  • if you are a man or a woman or other
  • what job you have
  • what language you speak
  • if you have a disability
  • your religion
  • if you are rich or poor
How to seek help to make a complaint or an appeal

If you are not sure how to make a complaint or an appeal, or you are feeling worried:

  • you can talk to one of our staff members who you know and trust
  • you can talk to someone you trust, such as a family member
  • you can ask that person to help you to make the complaint if you don’t feel happy making the complaint yourself
How to make a complaint or appeal a decision

Write down what has happened so that you can remember clearly.

Write down as much as you can remember to help with the complaint or to appeal a decision made by someone at MIFWA.

Select one of the following ways to submit your complaint or appeal:

  • Complete the PDF version of the Compliments, Appeals, Complaints and Suggestions form, and print it and put it into the Suggestion Box at Lorikeet Centre or MIFWA office in Midland. The form is also available in hard copy at these locations.
  • Send a written complaint or appeal letter to PO Box 1947 Midland Delivery Centre 6936 or Address it to the Risk, Quality and Compliance Lead, who is responsible for receiving all Complaints/Appeals correspondence.
  • Call MIFWA on (08) 9237 8900 and a MIFWA staff member will write down your complaint/feedback/appeal.
  • Use the Compliments, Appeals, Complaints and Suggestions form

How we handle complaints and appeals

If you make your complaint or appeal to MIFWA in person or over the phone, the MIFWA staff member will repeat it back to you to make sure they understand you.

If you write to MIFWA or fill out the Compliments, Appeals, Complaints and Suggestions form, MIFWA will contact you to make sure that we understand your complaint or appeal.

MIFWA will tell you what steps will be taken and how long it will take to get an answer about your complaint or appeal.

MIFWA will apologise when things have gone wrong.

Reviewing or appealing your complaint

We will often check to see if our complaints and appeals process is working. We might ask you to tell us if you found it easy or hard. If you are not happy with the outcome of your complaint, you can appeal against any decision made by MIFWA. Just follow the steps under ‘How to make a complaint or appeal a decision’. It is important that you know how to make a complaint or appeal and who to talk to if you are unhappy. If you need more help with who to talk to about a complaint or appeal, please ask one of our staff.

If MIFWA cannot resolve your complaint

The quickest way to get your issue resolved may be to complain to MIFWA directly. You may also ask MIFWA to connect you with an independent advocacy organisation, to help you. If MIFWA cannot resolve your complaint, you may ask a family member, friend or advocate to help you take it further.

If you are accessing our NDIS supports or services

If you’re an NDIS participant and have a concern about your current NDIS supports or services, you have the right to complain. You may complain to the NDIS Commission (which looks after the NDIS) by:

  • calling 1800 035 544 or TTY 133 677 (interpreters can be arranged)
  • contacting the National Relay Service and asking for 1800 035 544
  • completing the complaint contact form on the NDIS website at
If you are accessing other MIFWA services

The Health and Disability Services Complaints Office (HaDSCO) deals with complaints about non-NDIS health, disability and mental health services in Western Australia and the Indian Ocean Territories. If MIFWA cannot resolve your complaint or issue, you can make a complaint directly to (HaDSCO) by:

  • Calling (08) 6551 7600 or 1800 813 583 (free from Landlines)
  • emailing
  • downloading a form or completing an online complaint form from
If you have any questions about making a complaint or appeal

contact MIFWA at

Submit your compliment, suggestion or complaint

Please complete the form below to submit your compliments, suggestions or complaints directly to MIFWA or download the form and submit it later.

Compliments, Appeals, Complaints and Suggestions

Please answer all questions.

  • Privacy and confidentiality: Your personal information and details will remain private. This information will only be used for the purposes it was collected. You can give your feedback anonymously. However, please note that in this instance MIFWA will be unable to discuss any outcomes with you.
  • Tell us about your experience with MIFWA. Provide as much detail as possible, including what happened, when and who was involved. Additional information or documentation may be attached to this form and submitted if required. If this is an appeal, what decision are you appealing?