This year the theme for the Lorikeet Poetry Competition was ‘Strength and Courage to Overcome Adversity’ and we received many amazing poems.
A huge thank you to Leonard James for judging the poems this year. Thank you to everyone who entered, and congratulations to our winning and commended poets. As two were both top picks for Leonard, he awarded two First Place.
The winners were announced and awarded their certificate and prizes at our BBQ at Holyrood Pavilion in Leederville during Mental Health Week.
Equal First Place
‘Knowing Better’ by Jill
‘Symbols of Strength’ by Scott-Patrick
Second Place
‘There’s Hope’ by Deirdre
‘Toffee’ by Bug & Fong
‘Final Goal’ by Peter
Here are the winning poems.
Equal First Place:
Knowing Better – Jill
Tight, like an angry hug.
Death-grip around my chest,
mind, life.
Code Red! Code Red!
Every lamb, a hidden tiger.
Trust is for victims,
my body shouts.
Fear knows better.
Still, like a flooded dam.
Breathing into my chest,
mind, life.
Stand down, soldier.
Every tiger, a bleating lamb.
Love is for survivors,
my spirit shouts.
I know better.
Equal First Place:
Symbols of Strength – Scott-Patrick
In my dreams, I am visited by the silver fir tree
whose branches hold the frozen snow: I too can
carry this. I inscribe on my skin the Dara Knot, invoke
oak & strength of perseverance. because repetition
may be a bruise thing, but this body is built for enduring.
& that is what I’ll do. fashion raft from fragments
that float in me, set sail for safety.
My doctor suggests I see a counsellor who deals
with my condition. at each session, green shoots grow
from out my mouth. the snow melts. the knots
become a straight line. I find myself one day
smiling, for no reason. somewhere, a fir tree
blooms in the spring air & the world is lighter.
Second Place:
There’s Hope – Deirdre
It’s not going well.
Am I feeling strong?
Am I feeling brave?
It’s not as bad as it’s been.
The sky is silent but it’s blue.
The fear is present but it’s invisible.
Which weapon should I reach for?
My mood is noisy, but is it blue?
I’ve won before but no one saw.
Can I do it again?
Pick myself up?
After falling on the floor.
Nothing to lose.
Small successes.
Tiny failures.
One foot in front of the other.
Yes, it’s happening.
Room for hope.