Grow Group for Carers and Mental Illness Fellowship of Western Australia (MIFWA) held a morning tea for 15 family carers on Wednesday 24 August. Sam shared the history of the group and MIFWA partnership with Grow, Tracey provided a Grow presentation, and seasoned Grower Delys shared her testimony on how Grow has changed her life.
Grow and MIFWA have been collaborating since 2010, and we enjoy an enthusiastic and positive partnership, supporting the Midland Carer’s Group. This specialised Carer’s Group in WA was based on the Victorian model using the Grow Method, Grow Program and literature relevant to the caring role while allowing for flexibility needed for family participation. Like other Grow groups it is about encouraging leadership and mutual support within the community.
Family Carers are welcomed to attend the group.
Please contact Caroline at caroline.wood@mifwa.org.au for further information.
More info below.
About our Grow Group for Carers for Family, Friends & Carers
Is someone in your life troubled with a mental health issue?
The Grow Group for Family, Friends and Carers is for those who are in a caring or support role for someone experiencing mental health issues.
Our aim is to increase the capacity of families, carers and friends to care effectively for themselves, other family members and their relative living with mental illness.
The group meets in Midland fortnightly to share experiences, gain support, increase coping skills, knowledge and understanding through the use of the Grow program.
The meetings include an explanation of Grow for any new people and usually one member will share their personal story.
Those attending work on the specific challenges they are facing; and the wisdom of the Grow Program is used to address these challenges.
When: Meetings held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month
Time: 10.00am – 12.00pm
Venue: MIFWA Level 3, 9 the Avenue Midland
Family Carers are welcomed to attend the group. Please contact Caroline at caroline.wood@mifwa.org.au or give us a call on 9237 8900 for further information.