We’re proud to announce we have successfully maintained our accreditations against the National Standards for Mental Health Services and the NDIS Practice Standards. In order to renew the accreditations, MIFWA is audited every three years to assess our performance. We thank all stakeholders who assisted in the audits.
A summary of actions MIFWA will take in response to the auditors’ findings is presented below for each audit.
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Accreditation against the National Standards for Mental Health Services
The audit against the National Standards for Mental Health Services takes place every three years to help us assess our performance in regards to mental health service delivery, policy direction compliance, communication and consent, and monitoring and governance procedures.
The audit, conducted by independent auditors HDAA Australia Pty Ltd, assessed MIFWA against 10 standards, including 124 elements. The auditors were satisfied with their findings, resulting in the renewal of our accreditation against the National Standards for Mental Health Services.
The auditors didn’t identify any major non-conformities. However, they identified four minor non-conformities that MIFWA must address within 18 months (by the end of August, 2023).
MIFWA agrees with these findings and recommendations and aims to implement the improvements sooner, by the end of 2022, knowing how much the improvements would benefit the people we support.
Actions from minor non-conformities
Upload Lorikeet member files to Supportability: MIFWA will develop a transition plan and set a deadline for migrating all Lorikeet member files to MIFWA’s electronic system, Supportability. (Standard 8.9)
Create easy-to-read program information: MIFWA will create user-friendly information about its services, programs, support, and training that’s understandable to consumers and carers. (Standard 10.5.15)
Develop a service exit policy and procedure: MIFWA will work with consumers and carers to design an exit policy and procedure that facilitates continuity of care plan and offers ongoing supports. (Standard 10.6.1)
Develop an exit plan for consumers: MIFWA will work with consumers and other stakeholders to develop exits plan that would be included in the exit policy and procedure. (Standard 10.6.4)
Other recommendations
Create stronger advocacy information: MIFWA will develop a more in-depth advocacy resource to help consumers and carers to voice their needs, express their wishes, stand up for their rights and advocate for themselves. (Standard 1.15)
Develop medication training for staff: While MIFWA doesn’t administer medication, staff will gain training in medication management if they’re supporting people who use medication as part of their recovery plans. (Standard 2.4)
Accreditation against the NDIS Practice Standards
The audit against the NDIS Practice Standards takes place every three years to help us assess our performance and demonstrate how we provide high-quality and safe supports and services to NDIS participants.
The audit, conducted by independent auditors HDAA Australia Pty Ltd, assessed MIFWA against four modules, including 124 elements. The auditors were satisfied with their findings, resulting in the renewal of our accreditation against the NDIS Practice Standards.
The auditors didn’t identify any major non-conformities. However, they identified four minor non-conformities that MIFWA must address within 18 months (by the end of August, 2023).
MIFWA agrees with these findings and recommendations and aims to implement the improvements sooner, by the end of 2022, knowing how much the improvements would benefit the people we support.
Actions from minor non-conformities
Create stronger advocacy information: MIFWA will create a resource about using advocates and about how MIFWA facilitates access to advocates when allegations of violence or abuse have been raised. (Standard 1.5.2)
Expand complaints information: MIFWA will expand its NDIS complaints information to include NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission details. (Standard 2.5.2)
Keep a record of employees’ second jobs: For each employee, MIFWA will ensure details of their secondary employment is recorded and kept up to date. (Standard 2.7.10)
Separate goals from plans: MIFWA will review and separate the goals from the support plans for NDIS participants receiving specialist support coordination. (Standard 3.2.1)
Update conflict of interest policy: MIFWA’s policy will include how staff explain and manage conflict of interest when delivering specialised support coordination and other NDIS supports to the same participant. (Standard M4.3.1)
Clarify ‘specialised support coordination’: MIFWA will help participants understand the difference between the provision of specialised support coordination and other funded supports. (Standard M4.3.2)
Other recommendations
Give information on internal incident reporting: MIFWA will improve its educational materials on incident management, including internal incident reporting, incident management, and how incidents involving participants have been managed. (Standard 2.6.2)
Improve goal plans: MIFWA will adopt an enhanced strength-based approach and improved documentation during support and goal planning for all participants. (Standard 3.2.1)
Update the medication policy: MIFWA’s medication policy will include all practices related to NDIS participants, including risk assessment processes and staff training. (Standard 4.3.1)
Expand risk assessments for medication: MIFWA will include more information about the side effects of prescribed medication and/or possible side effects of not taking medication. (Standard 4.3.2)
Capacity building to manage own supports: MIFWA will develop strategies to help participants build their capacity to coordinate, self-direct and manage their supports. (Standard M4.2.3)
Strengthen specialised coordination documentation: MIFWA will improve how we record reasons why participants receive specialised support coordination and ongoing supports. (Standard M4.3.3)
Make referral information accessible: MIFWA will make it easier for participants and staff to access referral information. (Standard M4.3.4)
Next steps
MIFWA will provide the relevant resources as they become ready for distribution. Where appropriate, these items will be added to information packs.
A detailed report will be on our website and may also be requested via email at info@mifwa.org.au.
Download this summary as a PDF.