Following the recent announcement from the WA State Government regarding the COVID-19 situation and a four-day lockdown, we would like to provide you an update in how we are approaching the situation at hand.
At MIFWA, we know the importance of social connection, even throughout periods of lockdown due to COVID-19.
Our priority right now is to support people to stay well at home, and to get the reassurance and support they may need.
We will do so by moving our services and supports to be provided over the phone, via video and online the lockdown period based on each person’s individual needs and preferences. We also hold a list of people with increased vulnerability and will be working to sustain their wellbeing in this environment including maintaining essential face to face support. Our goal will be to minimise unnecessary community movement, while still supporting people with disability to have safe community access for essential supports. This may include food shopping and accessing medication/pharmacy.
Our team will focus on:
- Checking in on how people are coping
- Reassuring people they are not alone, that they will get through this, and that we will be here for them until this situation resolves
- Offering practical advice on how to keep well and sharing positive things to do at home to manage wellbeing such as:
- Supporting people on where and how they can get assistance if they become unwell
- Inspiring hopefulness and confidence that this situation will pass
- Assisting with navigating Centrelink and tenancy issues, if required.
Lorikeet Centre has closed for the time being; however we will continue to support our members through regular phone support and dropping off meals and activities to our members for them to do at home.
Furthermore, we have postponed or cancelled face to face training and group work for the time being. This includes Youth Mental Health First Aid and ASIST training, this weekends Creative Resilience Art Therapy workshop in Northam, and this weeks Carer’s Coffee Club (North).
COVID-19 Information
- For the full list of conditions and to receive the latest information regarding the COVID-19 situation, you can visit the WA Government website here.
- COVID-19 exposure sites are being updated regularly.
- Continue to practice good hygiene including wearing a face mask, washing your hands and sanitising.
- If you need to go to the shop for urgent supplies, remember to sign in using the SafeWA App or paper register.
Social Connection is Our Priority
Physical distance matters at the moment, but social connection is our priority and will remain the core of what we do helping people navigate this situation. We will continue to provide updates directly, on our website and across social media as they come to hand.
If you are in need of support or would like to talk to anyone, we are here from you. You can call us on 9237 8900 or email us at info@mifwa.org.au.