We find ourselves in interesting times.
We need to be creative and modify our daily lives by creating physical distance and reducing time outside our homes.
At MIFWA we know the importance of social connection and we are responding to the COVID-19 situation with creativity and sensible measures. We remain focussed on the vulnerability experienced by some people and remain committed to delivering on our mission in new and innovative ways.
Lorikeet Centre
Today we have closed the Lorikeet Centre to reduce people travelling unnecessarily to get support and connection. We are sustaining connection with people via phone and other practical support like dropping off essential items and meals where they may be required, and Lorikeet Members are committed to supporting one another through these changing times. We found it tough to close the Lorikeet Centre however the spirit of the centre will be facilitated using new approaches. Our daily nine letter word puzzle can be done through sending the letters via text message or phone call together and by the end of each day we will aim to have it solved.
Remote Working
Most of our team are shifting their ways of working to remain connected and supportive, yet physically distance where possible. Our family and carer support team remain engaged and checking in, our organisation will remain open (even though we may not all physically be based in the office).
Supporting People
NDIS teams are working with participants to modify support to ensure people are supported and safe. Our goal is supporting people to stay safe at home and manage these new requirements in ways that optimise wellbeing.
We continue to build on our Business Continuity plan and look at ways to support our people (participants, staff, families/carers, volunteers, students and members) as well as helping out our fellow citizens and organisations.
We are being led by our mission and values and are grateful for all our founders, supporters and stakeholders. We know we will move to the other side of this situation with grace, creativity and standing by people (when they need us most). Our usual business hours will remain and we will always have someone to take or return your call and we will do our best to get you the information and support you need.
Social Connection is Our Priority
Physical distance matters at the moment, but social connection is our priority and will remain the core of what we do helping people navigate this situation. We can’t wait to host a Lorikeet Centre reopening party when these requirements are no longer needed.
Keep well, manage your time, limit following the media, and do something small each day to reach out and stay connected (through phone, and online).
Our thoughts are with you.