Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, a sunflower (yes, a MIFWA Sunflower) paints a wonderful visualisation of re-emergence and growth.
Some experiences in the past few weeks give us hope and an opportunity for reflection.
Schizophrenia Awareness Week 2020 provided an opportunity for the MIFWA team to make a wonderful adaption to this annual event, using the virtual/online environment to stay connected and host several unique events.
The Board of MIFWA also reflected on the commencement of Reconciliation Week 2020. Interestingly, the theme for this year’s week is “In This Together” – how apt given our experiences in the first half of 2020, and what a nice connection to one of our values at MIFWA; the value of Inclusion and Acceptance.
On behalf of the Board of MIFWA we acknowledge the Whadjuk Noongar people and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on whose lands we live, as the traditional owners of the land upon which we live, work and play. We pay respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.
So, what has been on the mind of the MIFWA Board in recent times?
There have been several key issues:
- Responding to COVID-19
- Equipping our Board with capabilities for the future
- Turning our eye to refresh the MIFWA Strategy.
Responding to COVID-19
The Board has paid close attention to the impacts of the pandemic on our staff and the organisation, and the consumers and caregivers who we support. We are truly blessed with an amazing team at MIFWA, who have shown adaptability, resilience and enduring care for others throughout this period.
While the seriousness of the situation cannot be underestimated, MIFWA has remained fiscally strong and managed the risks in a comprehensive way. Our view is that re-emergence from the pandemic provides the opportunity to continue to be innovative and adaptive with services and programs.
Equipping MIFWA’s Board for the Future
We have recently welcomed some new faces to the Board who bring new capabilities, skills and experiences that further strengthen and diversify our thinking and decision making. This change has resulted in identification of a need to make an amendment to our Constitution, and we will be providing a Special Resolution for the consideration of MIFWA members in the near future.
Refreshing MIFWA’s Strategy
MIFWA’s performance over the last five years has exceeded all expectations.
A relentless focus on the quality and effectiveness of services and programs, and significant growth in the provision of individualised support through the NDIS has resulted in close to 500 people living with complex mental illness choosing MIFWA as their partner in supporting them to live their best life.
The Board is now looking forward and is considering future challenges and opportunities for the organisation, including:
- The report and recommendations on Mental Health from the Productivity Commission
- Current and future policies and strategies of State and Federal governments
- Legislative or regulatory changes that may result from the Disability Royal Commission
- COVID-19 and mental health implications.
Stay safe.
Kellie McCrum
Chairperson, MIFWA