Guy was referred to the MIFWA Hospital to Home program after a lengthy stay at the Saint John of God Midland Mental Health ward.
Guy’s admission was a culmination of many issues – the stress of losing his property, being unemployed, feeling a loss of purpose, and an upcoming court case from an historic child sexual assault. All these factors combined led to a “breakdown”, to use Guy’s own terminology.
Early in the Hospital to Home program, Guy expressed a need for further care to “hit the reset button” and learn more about his condition. Guy was referred to Neami Joondalup Mental Health Step-Up Step-Down (JMHSS), and was able to get in within a week of the referral being submitted.
Guy found his stay at Neami extremely beneficial and after a 28-day stay was referred to Relationships Australia for couples counselling and to Phoenix Support and Advocacy Services for counselling around his child sexual assault.
A support worker from the Hospital to Home program met weekly with to work on establishing a positive mindset, goal setting and daily routines. This resulted in Guy receiving funding to start his own business.
Guy has set and achieved many steps already on his recovery journey and is on the path to live the life he seeks.
Have you heard about MIFWA’s Hospital to Home Program? You can read more about it here.