I’ve been going to the Lorikeet Centre for about eight or nine years. Lorikeet Centre is fantastic – it always has and always will be as far as I’m concerned. This feeds down from the top from MIFWA.
Monique, the CEO, is an angel in herself. It’s pretty special that I can just walk in and have a joke with the CEO. And so is everyone else here. Everyone is here to do a job and they do it fantastically.
I’m not a person who will sugar coat anything. I say it how I see it. And I’ve been a pain in the butt but MIFWA has been there for me through thick and thin.
The staff are what make Lorikeet Centre and MIFWA. They have helped me out a lot. Lester helped walk me through the NDIS. Naomi and Jack have been fantastic. And Candy and Jojo have helped me through recent difficult times as well. They don’t pussy foot around. They tell you straight and as they see it. I love giving everyone a hard time in a loving way. They have supported me to achieve goals, to get out, and to take up new hobbies such as wood burning.
I go to Lorikeet Centre a lot – I love going there for the activities, such as art on Wednesdays. I couldn’t be any more satisfied. Keep doing what you’re doing as you’re doing a fantastic job! I thank you all from the depths of my heart.
I suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts. There have been times where I’ve sat around and thought no one loves me and what’s the point. And then I remember there are 1001 people who love me. I am well supported by friends, my neighbours and my girlfriend. There’s Mum and Dad, Dad’s 90 this year. They live in Sydney. And then there’s the choir – I sing in the Spirit of the Streets Choir and go to choir practice every Tuesday. Singing helps me in dealing with the bad days.
Life before MIFWA was crap. I wasn’t a happy boy. That was then and this is now. I’ve come a hell of a long way. Doing things keeps me mentally healthy. These days I have a pocketful of fun in more ways than one, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I aim to live life to the fullest and enjoy every waking moment with everyone.
– Steve
* Steve recently visited our East site to share his story for an upcoming series and to present our CEO with a handmade creation via wood burning (pictured). Needless to say we are incredibly touched and humbled. Thank you Steve this means the world to us.