Consumer & Carer Engagement at MIFWA

MIFWA was established by and for people with lived experience of significant mental health challenges and family carers. We recognise and welcome the value of lived experiences and perspectives with a long history of listening to and including lived experience input to identify needs and inform service design and delivery.

A Consumer & Carer Engagement Committee was recently established to formally embed and amplify the voices of lived experience to ensure the meaningful involvement continues. The committee will contribute to shaping activities across the organisation such as the decision-making processes, governance, policy development, research, operations, and service improvements.

Thank you to all who expressed an interest in being a committee member, we received a high volume of interest, so the decision-making process was a challenging one yet, it demonstrated the wealth of experience all applicants have and the willingness to use those experiences to make a difference.

The committee has representation from both consumers, carers, lived experience Program Leaders, CEO, and a Board Member. The first meeting was held at the end of July and members gave valuable insights on MIFWA’s new branding as well as new service ideas. The potential for this committee is limitless and we are looking forward to its future.

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