Wow! What an incredible experience delivering CHIME: A recovery model explored.
Eleven people joined us for our first delivery of CHIME via Zoom as part of Schizophrenia Awareness Week 2020, with a variety of participants from consumers and carers through to community members, all with the common goal of learning about mental health recovery.
The session began with a discussion about what recovery from mental illness means.
All participants had an incredible grasp of mental health recovery, each recognising that recovery is a personal journey, that it is different for everybody and that it is not linear and can include ups and downs.
Next we discussed the CHIME model.
Hayley Harris, one of MIFWA’s facilitators, explained what the CHIME model meant and how it could apply to mental health. She also shared a bit about her lived experience of mental illness and recovery.
Participants then had the opportunity to split off into Zoom breakout rooms where they discussed in detail how the CHIME model was applicable in their own lives. Every participant was wonderful in their understanding of the model and their honesty in discussing their own journey.
When everyone returned from the breakout session, they shared their reflections, what they had learnt and what they would take away from the training. A common thread among each participant was that they felt more hopeful, more connected and that speaking to others about mental health and recovery had helped them learn something new about themselves.
Holding hope and reframing the concept of identity
One participant said the concept of ‘holding hope’ for someone else when they cannot hold it for themselves was very powerful and encouraging.
Another shared how they had re-framed what identity meant to them as they had always thought identity was about what you did. After the training, they explained how they now understand identity was about what you value, and that having a job is not the only way to find identity.
Interestingly, this webinar helped us to live out the CHIME processes;
“I walked away feeling more connected and more hopeful, as I saw seeds planted and insights gained. As a facilitator, it was slightly daunting delivering over Zoom instead of in person, but after the training I feel excited and encouraged and am keen to deliver many, many more of these workshops whether via Zoom or in person.” – Hayley Harris, MIFWA Trainer
Upcoming Training with MIFWA
For details of our upcoming training courses and events, click here.