Meditation – Siddhi space Wangara. Supported by Lottery West and Carers WA.
Twenty two carers attended, on arrival, they were offered refreshments and chatted in a beautiful room filled with cushioned options for seating and visual stimulation to sooth the soul.
Carers were acknowledged for the contribution they make in their caring role and we celebrated their commitment and the importance of their role.
Eesha provided information about the history, uses and benefits of meditation. She expertly related this to the challenges carers endure and the impact on their health and wellbeing. She respectfully acknowledged how much carers deserve this time for self-care and highlighted the importance and value of gracefully accepting that they deserve this time.
Some carers were seated in chairs, some lying on mats and some propped up on cushions. Eesha used breathing, visualization, and quartz crystal bowls. The bowls provide combinations of sound vibrations that initiate unique responses in each person.
Eesha asked carers to share their experiences. Eesha invited questions and provided clear explanations about the benefits of their experiences the therapeutic value and encouraged inclusion of this practice in their lives. Siddhi Space provided opportunities for free meditations and many carers said they would be following up and attending future sessions and using the resources suggested.
We concluded the day with a light refreshments and great conversations. On leaving carers were given a MIFWA pack, Carers WA pack and a pamper pack.
Some carers were engaging for the first time and made some peer connections, some reconnected. There were two carers who were great friends many years ago and had lost contact that planned to reconnect.
Feedback included
“I was very surprised what a gentle wave of self-healing I felt after the session and more so now 4 days later. A feeling of balance and harmony”.
Thanks so much to MIFWA a great event thank you.
“I was able to relax and absorb what Eesha the presenter was saying & doing”.
‘The really yummy lunch finished off the session along with the little bags with the freebies inside. So well done to you all & thank you very much for all that you are & do to help others’!
Well done Team – the day was a great success