My life before coming to Lorikeet Centre was totally different.
It was all out of control. I wasn’t doing much, was staying home all the time, and getting depressed.
I’ve been coming to Lorikeet Centre for two and a half years. Hasn’t it gone quick! I started coming to Lorikeet Centre after my therapist recommended it to me. When I first came here, I was all over the place, didn’t have any hope and I was going nowhere.
Lorikeet Centre, well, it gives you something to do for a start, but it does more than that. I’m learning so much more about keeping myself well and it helps to connect me with other people who have mental health problems. You can talk to people who are on the same level as you are. There’s no judgment or anything like that.
Today I’m a lot better thanks to the staff, volunteers, and people at Lorikeet.
The Lorikeet Centre has given me hope and taught me about recovery, resilience, gratitude, and patience, which have helped me to get better. The self-esteem and wellness workshops on Tuesdays are good. I get a lot out of them – they help to keep me well and I like to go on the outings on Friday’s. It fills in the week. We also do art therapy which is very therapeutic.
Everyone’s got their own story and it’s good to get to talk to people and get to know them. There are a lot of people here for different reasons who have with common interests. I’ve got one friend who comes in regularly and we’re very similar. We’re good friends. Jason and I go out for coffee once a month. Ken and Margaret both have similar interests to me around spirituality and then there’s Bonnie who arranges a lot of activities outside of the Centre through Befriend – she is always planning activities you can go to that are lots of fun and very inclusive.
I have had an NDIS Support Worker with MIFWA for almost a year, which has also helped me. We go to the gym and for a swim, and we go bowling on a Wednesday.
Since coming here, I am so much more stable, and I don’t have as many ups and downs.
I did have one episode at the start of last year, but I had people here I could talk to and who helped me through. It’s important to keep as many connections as you can, connecting with people, connecting with nature, and connecting with the things you do. Connection is key to everything else.
My hope for the future is to continue to stay balanced, keep learning and keep working on my recovery. I want to do more activities and set achievable goals.
Rod, Lorikeet Centre Member
About Lorikeet Centre
Lorikeet Centre has been supporting people living with mental illness for 27 years. The Centre is underpinned by the importance of peers, providing a place for people to go without judgment, and to be set up with supports if they are in need.
Lorikeet Centre is located at 104 Cambridge Street, West Leederville 6007. Our office hours are Tuesday to Friday 9:00am to 4:30pm.
To find out more about becoming a member of the Lorikeet Centre, call us on 9237 8951 or download our application pack.