Schizophrenia Awareness Week: 23 to 29 May 2021
The theme of Schizophrenia Awareness Week (SAW) in 2021 is “Discover Better Mental Health”.
In conjunction with fellow MiNetworks Partners across Australia, we’re aiming to highlight the voice of lived experience to support connection, to provide practical suggestions about how people can discover better mental health, and to let people living with schizophrenia know that they can reach out for support if they need it by contacting us.
During Schizophrenia Awareness Week you can:
- Reach out for support – call 1800 985 944 to speak to a service near you
- Attend one of our events
- Connect with us on social media
- Learn about schizophrenia and psychosis.
For Schizophrenia Awareness Week 2021, we asked people with lived experience what matters to them regarding their mental illness, and this is what they told us:
- Acceptance
- Self-stigma and stigma
- Contribution
- Support of peers.
We’re calling these the four pillars to better mental health, pillars which help in the recovery journey and in living a good life.
How to Get Involved
We’re encouraging everyone to get involved by attending events, joining in the conversation in person and via our social channels, and promoting general awareness about schizophrenia to those you come into contact with during the week.
Reach out for support
Do you need support? Call a community mental health service near you to get support, information and referral: 1800 985 944.
You can find your nearest service on the MINetworks Find a Service.
Learn about Schizophrenia and Psychosis
Want to learn more about Schizophrenia and Psychosis? Check out these factsheets:
MINetworks Factsheets
Factsheet: Antipsychotic Medication
Factsheet: Suicidal behaviour and self-harm
Factsheet: Families & friends of people affected by mental illnesss
Facsheet: Something is not quite right about the way someone close to you is behaving