Have a compliment, appeal, complaint or suggestion?
We’d like to hear from you.
Complaints and appeals
MIFWA is committed to providing high-quality support and services, but sometimes we may get it wrong. If MIFWA have not met your expectations or the commitment we made to you, you can let us know where we have made a mistake by making a complaint.
MIFWA takes all complaints very seriously and welcomes them as an opportunity to improve the services we provide.
How to submit a complaint or appeal
You can submit a complaint or appeal through one of the following options:
- Complete the PDF version of the Compliments, Appeals, Complaints and Suggestions form, and print it and put it into the Suggestion Box at Lorikeet Centre or MIFWA office in Midland. The form is also available in hard copy at these locations.
- Send a written complaint or appeal letter to PO Box 1947 Midland Delivery Centre 6936 or info@mifwa.org.au. Address it to the Risk, Quality and Compliance Lead, who is responsible for receiving all Complaints/Appeals correspondence.
- Call MIFWA on (08) 9237 8900 and a MIFWA staff member will write down your complaint/feedback/appeal.
- Use the online form to submit your compliment, appeal, complaint or suggestions to MIFWA.
More information about submitting a complaint or appeal
Read more about How to Submit a Complaint or Appeal to MIFWA
MIFWA’s Complaints Handling Policy
View our full Complaints Handling Policy
MIFWA’s Whistleblower Policy
The Corporations Act 2001 requires MIFWA to have a Whistleblower Policy. A whistleblower is someone who wishes to make a report that MIFWA has been involved in illegal, improper or unethical conduct and seeks protection from retaliatory action of any kind (such as dismissal, demotion, harassment, discrimination, victimisation and bias) and threats of any kind.
As part of our commitment to protect whistleblowers, we use the EAP Assist Whistleblowing Service, an external service that provides MIFWA with a safe and secure way to receive, manage and investigate whistleblower reports while ensuring the identity and rights of the whistleblowers are protected.
Read more at EAP Assist which also contains a form for making an anonymous report.
Advocacy: How to find an advocate to assist you
MIFWA can support you to access an independent advocate organisation to assist in exercising choice and control and to have your voice heard in matters that affect you. If you have any questions about advocacy, please speak to your support worker or contact MIFWA head office on 9237 8900 or info@mifwa.org.au
Download the flyer on Advocacy for the People We Support
Consumer handbook to the Mental Health Act 2014
The Consumer handbook to the Mental Health Act 2014 (Handbook) was written by consumers with lived experience of mental health challenges to help you understand the Act, navigate the mental health system and uphold your rights. This handbook is user friendly, relevant and informative. The Handbook outlines:
- consumer and carer rights
- assessment, referral and examination
- hospital admission, treatment options and discharge
- further opinions
- community treatment orders
- the roles of the Mental Health Advocacy Service, the Mental Health Tribunal and the Chief Psychiatrist
- complaints and feedback pathways.
The Handbook also sets out the Charter of Mental Health Care Principles (Charter), which describes the 15 principles that the legislation is built on and which mental health services and private psychiatric hostels must always consider when providing treatment, care and support to a person experiencing mental challenges whether they’re a voluntary and involuntary patient.
Submit your compliment, appeal, complaint or suggestion
Use the form below to submit your compliments, suggestions or complaints to MIFWA.
If you’re submitting a complaint or making an appeal, we recommend reading more about How to Submit a Complaint or Appeal to MIFWA.
Compliments, Appeals, Complaints and Suggestions
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